Takeone School

Take One School of Mass Communication

20+ Years of Excellence in Media Education!
TakeOne House, East of Kailash, New Delhi

Take One School of Mass Communication

20+ Years of Excellence in Media Education!
TakeOne House, East of Kailash, New Delhi

Message From Director

Founder and Director

To do a professional course is one of the most important decisions any student is going to take. Students will find that their time at Take One School of Mass Communication will go by very quickly. Our role is to make it the most productive and enriching experience possible. Our programmes are constantly evolving in response to the rapidly – changing media environment and our aim is to produce graduates as competent and confident citizens of the world. I hope that this prospectus will help you perceive that Take One School of Mass Communication offers the kind of environment conducive to your academic and personal development. We look forward to adding you to our list of success stories.